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Old 04-30-2019, 02:19 PM
fatandbald fatandbald is offline
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Default Friends with benefits

Hey all - this is a true story of a current position with my wife.

My wife is currently in a “friends with benefits” relationship with a guy I play football with. Its all a bit weird and deceitful.

It started just before Christmas when we had a team night out and she came and met up with us all towards the end of the night for a quick drink and then to taxi me home. She then “disappeared” for half an hour or so and so did Scott. Nothing was said at the time but some of the lads jokingly said she had gone with Scott to see his huge cock. It turns out the discussion on the Christmas party turned to sex and Scott said he had the largest cock in the team and did she want to see it. On the way home she admitted to me in the car that she had seen it but hadn’t touched it and that Scott had only fingered her!

I was really cross and sent Scott a WhatsApp message asking him what the fuck he was doing and telling him he should avoid me and my wife or I would rip his head off, his reply was simple. A picture of the top of my wifes head from a cubicle in the gents toilets and although you couldn’t see his cock or her face you could tell she was giving him a blowjob. He said that he was a free man and he likes to fuck around and he had already told my wife that he was going to organise an evening out followed by a night cap at a nice hotel.

I confronted my wife and said Scott had sent a picture, she denied it was her and said she would never allow someone to take naked or inappropriate photos of her.

A few days later and I turned up at Scotts flat early in the morning banging on the door. A half-naked woman answered and said he was asleep in bed upstairs. I stomped upstairs and woke him up ready to smack him for lying and sending false photos of my wife even though he could easily overpower me as the bigger man. So he grabbed his phone and flicked through to a video he had taken secretly of my wife, on the exact same bed he was now lying in. She was sucking his cock and riding him! it was definitely her, no denying it and I just couldn’t make sense of it all.

I looked over to where the camera was position in the video and it was an alarm clock which I now know to contain a hidden camera. He asked me to give him a few minutes and then meet him at the café round the corner for a coffee and a chat.

In shock I agreed and ten minutes later Scott arrived. He explained that the woman at the door was a girl from work who he regularly fucks and he showed me a video of her sucking his cock from the secret camera too. He calmly explained that he has a huge sexual appetite and that he needed regular sex. He couldn’t help being attracted to certain women that he just had to fuck and my wife was one of them. He didn’t want to come between me and my wife but he couldn’t stop fucking her if she kept coming around.

He replayed the video from earlier of her and him and I could hear the sex talk – she kept laughing and smiling about how big his cock was and how she will come back for more but Scott wasn’t to tell me. Scott said she had only been around to see him once but he had been whatsapping her – he showed me the messages but my wife hadn’t sent him picture of herself even though he had kept demanding them but she had promised to see him again at his flat.

Somehow I just knew that I wasn’t going to be able to stop them fucking so I told Scott that he was to be respectful of her, always wear a condom and never do anything with her that she didn’t want to do. He wasn’t to let anyone else know especially my football lads. I also told him that the secret recordings had to stop and he was to report back to me whenever it happened to keep me in the loop. He agreed.

I got home and spoke to the wife and explained my meeting with Scott. I didn’t mention the secret camera but I did tell her that, so long as he didn’t come between us and he used a condom, I was happy for her to sleep with him at his flat only. She agreed and said she wouldn’t only ever see him “now and then”

So that was that. Everything seemingly went back to normal and I didn’t notice any change to my wife’s routine. Football was weird, getting changed and playing on the same team as someone who you know has fucked/ is fucking your wife. The lads are always taking the piss out of each other and rumours had surfaced that Scott was banging my wife. I got no end of ribbings thrown my way, all played down of course.

A few weeks later and Scott turns up really late for kick off. He says he has been up all night fucking some housewife – as usual the phone comes out of his pocket and he is showing the video. The view was from behind the woman with his cock ramming in and out. I could see immediately it was my wife – no question. So here I am, stood in a changing room of 15 blokes all passing round a phone with a video of my mate fucking my wife but not knowing it was her. The usual comments came “ha ha, I bet that’s Dans wife”, sure sounds like her moaning ?”. I gave Scott an evil look and he smiled and mouthed check your phone.

The motherfucker had WhatsApp me the entire unedited video of him secretly filming whilst fucking my wife. He had broken three rules 1) no secret filming 2) use a condom 3) keep me in the loop. The video had her face in full view sucking his cock. Scott told me that he was playing by his own rules and that if I objected he would share the face view video with the rest of the team.

We continued our discussion over whatsapp whereby he told me that he was seeing my wife a couple of times a week and not filming everything. He kept to his word and sent me a few videos, some better than others. He is now starting to tell me all the new things he is going to try with her. He wants to fuck her with a vibrator, anal (which I know she wont do) and MFF and MMF which I think she will.

All the while the discussion between my wife and I is very limited. She is absolutely not aware of the videos and whenever I ask if she has seen Scott lately she says no. I have proof that this a lie and I know they are not using a condom.
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