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Old 04-29-2019, 06:55 PM
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observer observer is offline
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Default New video area of our forum.

We finally finish to develop our video area. Our forum have 10000+ videos posted by members for last 10 years. Mostly of these videos hidden in old posts and new members never saw them. We developed the tool that allow to search/browse a whole attached videos in one place.

You can search the videos by TAG or filename. You can sort by newest, oldest videos or select a random video that really funny. You can browse a videos posted in your favorite forum. You can download videos. Of course you can watch videos with same limits as before (leecher - 7 videos per day, contributor - 20 videos per day, premium member - 150 videos per day and gold member - no limits).

At default you will see new added to the forum videos.

I hope this tool will help you to browse and download videos stored on our forum. Also I hope that members of forum will post more new videos for our fun.

The video area is optimized for desktop and mobile browsers. You can watch videos on you PC and/or mobile phone.

The video area is here, also you always can find the link in top navigation menu.

ps. if you found some bugs in video area please report the bug in private message to observer.
Observer - the Admin of Amateur Voyeur forum.
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Old 10-31-2023, 03:29 PM
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