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Old 08-04-2013, 01:27 PM
Elitegoldwalrus Elitegoldwalrus is offline
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Default Hints for sightings

I have posted this on other sites, but some may not have seen it. Over the years I have had thousands of sightings, so this is based on personal experience.


If you are trying for pee sightings, you should follow some simple rules.

1. Personal safety should be your number one concern. Some people (husbands, boyfriends and the women themselves) may take great offense at your watching women pee. You don't want to be in a position where you are in physical danger.

2. Do not do anything that will cause your subject (the girl peeing) to be afraid. Watch, but approach very carefully, if at all. Not only do you take the chance of danger (see rule 1) but if the word gets out about spotters, fewer women will be willing to pee in that area, giving fewer sighting chances.

3. Have a reason for being in the area, other than spotting. In many areas, someone hanging around without a reason is viewed as suspicious, and may be questioned by the police. (They don't know if you are dangerous, planning to rob or rape someone, or what. Their job is to protect the public, and we can look strange sitting watching.) Have a reason to be in the area, such as waiting for friends to come out of a bar (a designated driver).

4. As a side note, it is a good idea to have a cell phone with you when you are out "hunting". If you see something suspicious (someone breaking into a car, someone being robbed) you can call the police yourself. If the police in the area that you are "hunting" in see you as a "good citizen", you won't be as likely to be questioned about your activities.

Now that we have covered the safety rules, the question is "Where and when can you spot women peeing?

Any time that crowds, alcohol, and a shortage of toilets are together, you have a chance for sightings. This can be broken down into two types of events: special and regular.

Special Events

A special event is something that does not happen every week. Sporting events, such as football games or races, concerts, and other large gatherings are all examples of special events. You have to decide what is good in your area.

Sporting events and concerts that draw crowds who have (pre event) tailgate parties are always a good place. Depending on the venue there might be many sightings there. Some venues have a lot of facilities in the parking lots (port-o-pots) while some have very few, if any. Different events will draw different types of crowds. Usually you will have better luck with a younger crowd than an older one. Some bands tend to draw a more party type crowd than others. Rock and roll is better than classical music for our purposes. College football games are better that the NFL.

Some bands are much better than others for our purposes. You want to check out events that draw a college age crowd. Younger women, as a rule, tend to drink more, and are less inhibited about where they pee. Certain college football games are very good. Look for games with historic rivals; they tend to draw the biggest crowds. Some areas draw big crowds for other events, such as Mardi gras, or Halloween.

If you have found an event that you think has potential, try to check out the area in advance. Check out the area before the event if you can, either by arriving early, or visiting the site a day of two before the event. Get an idea of the layout of the area. While looking for good spots, try to think like a woman. Look for spots that offer at least some cover. Look for spots behind bushes, or between trucks or vans. Anywhere a woman can have an idea of cover is a possible spot. A woman is more likely to pee in a "private" area than in the middle of the road.

Regular Events

When I speak of regular events, I mean the normal everyday things that happen where you might be able to get sightings. Usually these sightings are late in the evening, after the bars close, but not always. You want to look for a crowd of people; the more people the better your chances of a sighting.

Look for areas with several bars, and parking lots some distance away. If a woman has to walk for a while to get to her car, there is a better chance that her bladder will fill than if her car is by the front door. A city nightclub area is better than a small neighborhood bar.

Look for parking lots, rather than garages. You can see much more in the open-air lot than in a building. The average parking garage has way too many spots where a woman can pee out of sight.

College towns tend to have a bar area that is very busy. Depending on the layout, many times there will be a lot of people walking back to the dorms after a night of partying. If their path takes them by some semi private places, you might see some women going behind a building or trash dumpster.

The best times are when the bars are closing. For bars and nightclubs, weekends are usually much better than weekdays. There are some exceptions to this rule; in college towns Thursday night is often the big party night. Some nightclubs have special weekday events, such as "Ladies All You Can Drink" for one-price promotions. These clubs can be a source of great sightings.

I recommend that you do most of your regular event hunting in a vehicle. If you are sitting in a car in a parking lot, many times people will not realize that you are there. If you can, use a vehicle that blends in, rather than stands out and draws attention. A mini-van is better than a Porsche (I never thought that I would write those words).

Trying for sightings is a lot like hunting deer or other animals. You need to find a good spot, and not draw any attention to yourself. It is a good idea to check out the area before you expect to see anything, preferably in the daylight. You want to be able to sit and watch, and not have any nasty surprises

You can also find sightings away from the bars or event venues. In some areas public transportation is popular for sporting events, due to the lack of parking near the venue itself. Many times fans will take a subway or bus to the stadium, parking in a lot 30 to 60 minutes away. After waiting for the bus or train, and then riding to the parking lot, there are often desperate women who will squat beside cars in the lots.

If there is an area which draws a crowd from a smaller area, (people leaving a smaller town for the nightclubs of the city), you might have good luck at an area between the two. Look for an all night convenience store, fast food restaurant with only the drive through open, or a gas station without public restrooms. I have seen women go behind buildings and trashcans at places like that, when they realize that there are no rest rooms. Depending on the layout you can get some good sightings.

Most of all be aware of your surroundings. Keep your eyes open; you never know what you may see.
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