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seeed_90 01-06-2014 01:22 AM

When was the last time you saw a girl pee in real life?
This thread is more about creating pictures, what were your last sightings you had?
Tomorrow I will deliver some by myself, when I'm on my computer, feel free to share yours!

pissfanpl 01-06-2014 10:19 AM

I see in november, i wrote about this here:

Generally, in 2013 I saw a girl peeing maybe 4 times, and in my country is a very rare sight.

chazztabago 01-06-2014 04:22 PM

Halloween weekend. In the backyard of a huge party. People were pissing in the backyard of the house next door. I saw one girl squat behind a bush while I was pissing about twenty feet over. I was pissing again about thirty minutes later when six girls wandered in my direction. They didn't seem to notice me, then all six turned around and squatted in the middle of the yard. I was surprised that they didn't hide behind anything. The backyard had several trees but they just went out in the open. The backyard was pretty dark but I still saw all of those bare asses clearly. Before they were done, two girls walked over and squatted about five feet from me. They didn't seem to notice me, but I was right there. I noticed many other girls pissing all over for the next two hours, but they all hid behind something. Two girls even went behind a porta potty with no line.

peehunter 01-06-2014 06:49 PM

I remember very good episode on the big open air festival in our country. It was very big festival, like 60000 participants. All porta-potties was very busy with big queue of desperate ladies. And!!!! Some ladies who couldn't wait anymore went to the back side of the potties and sat down in squat position. I saw like 500-1000 ladies here at all the event.
It was a very memorable :)

Renzo 01-06-2014 08:49 PM

Actually had a nice surprise while walking home through a park last week, when, because the toilets were closed, two German sounding women were having a pee on the floor outside them.

They seemed a little shocked by my appearance, but I just smiled, stepped into the space between them and the wall and joined them in having a pee. :)

Totally unexpected but certainly a pleasant surprise!

Aside from that, I often go to music festivals and there are plenty of spots at those. Half the time if you're taking a pee somewhere to avoid the lines, they'll join you in the same area anyway. I don't complain. ;)

yabadoo 01-06-2014 10:17 PM

Same as above, and well, now I guess it was late September since the last time I saw anything of value. Spotted 'round 150-200 different girls pee, without more than a few times actually looking for it, this year. It sucks though that you can't record it or take pictures. Mostly, it's people that are friends of friends or a pack of girls. I don't think they would appreciate me taking pictures...

Renzo 01-09-2014 11:51 PM

I've been a very lucky boy this week.

Tonight I went to a few bars with a friend. I got to the end of the night and we both made are way to towards the subway station, a 15 minute or so walk from the bar.

Not long after it turned out we both needed a post-drinks piss, and just before getting to the station, diverted into the park to find somewhere.

We went side-by-side behind a shack, I'd never seen a woman piss with such force, but she was done quickly. She pulled her pants back up then just watched me as I pissed, although it was a bit tricky as I was obviously quite turned on my seeing her pee.

She kissed me moments after I'd done up my jeans. Shame she has a partner, but on the plus side, discovered a friend happy to let me see her pee. :cool:

Not a bad way to end the night!

Grover 01-12-2014 05:01 AM

Me and my girlfriend went to see a late showing of the "Wolf of Wallstreet" on Christmas night, a whole bunch of movies let out at the same time and the ladies washroom was lined up into the lobby. She just sort of grumbled as we walked past the line. I suggested we could stop at the hospital that was just across the the street that has a washroom right in the lobby. But she said "It's okay, it's dark" and grabbed a couple napkins as we walked past the concession.

As we walked to the car I could tell she was pacing herself as there was a family with kids ahead of us. As they pulled away she walked to the passenger side of the car and after making sure nobody was looking squatted and peed out 32oz of soda into the mulch. It was too dark to see her pussy but the sound of her piss hitting the ground and orgasm like exhale was unmistakable. She wiped with the napkins and left them on the ground. As she was getting into the car a police car drove by. Thirty seconds earlier we would have wound up in the county drunk tank for the night.

She doesn't drink alcohol so she doesn't pee outside very often, but she is a country girl but won't line up either.

Robanski 01-12-2014 12:36 PM

Festivals in Norway, Sweden and Denmark has been my life style since I first visit Roskilde in 2006 and there are some pictures from my adventures. :)
Distortion 2013 was really awesome this time and of course I will get back this year too.

Renzo 06-21-2014 04:48 PM

It's a sunny day here today, so I went to the park to read a book in the sun. It was nice out and there was also the little bonus of a pee sighting, even though it wasn't something I was even trying to find!

I'd sat down in a smallish, secluded area in the sun in order to read my book. There were a handful of other people around, including two attractive blonde women who were sunbathing in bikinis about 40 foot in front of me.

After an hour, one of them got up walked towards the bushes behind then and about twenty feet to my left, where she was out of view of the main path in the park. Now, I don't know if she didn't realise I could see the spot she chose, or just didn't care, but she squatted down and took a piss.

Okay, I wasn't close enough to see a stream or anything and I didn't want to make it obvious I was looking, but seeing a hot girl take a piss outdoors like that was definitely an unexpected surprise. I think I managed to successfully hide how I'd obviously, *ahem* appreciated seeing it and went back to reading my book.

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