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JDG 10-19-2018 01:54 AM

I genuinely thought I was in heaven tonight. I was driving home from work when I stopped at a rest stop. Minutes later, a party bus arrived. It stopped and some 50 girls got off. As it was quite a large rest stop with a gas station, restaurant, washroom etc, I didn't pay much attention. Also, I wasn't even there for sightings, just to grab some food.

However, I was so wrong. These 50 girls started squatting literary everywhere around me. On the patch of grass adjecent to the parking lot, on the sidewalk, against some signs, against their own bus, between parked cars... Some even peed while hanging their backsides over benches and picknick-tables. I had to walk right through this with my food and enjoyed the view very much, also while sitting in my car and eating

The girls were all between 20 and 25 years of age and all were looking differently. Black girls, white girls, short girls, tall girls, Chubby girls, slim girls... You name it and they were there

robspar 10-21-2018 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by JDG (Post 1940713)
I genuinely thought I was in heaven tonight. I was driving home from work when I stopped at a rest stop. Minutes later, a party bus arrived. It stopped and some 50 girls got off. As it was quite a large rest stop with a gas station, restaurant, washroom etc, I didn't pay much attention. Also, I wasn't even there for sightings, just to grab some food.

However, I was so wrong. These 50 girls started squatting literary everywhere around me. On the patch of grass adjecent to the parking lot, on the sidewalk, against some signs, against their own bus, between parked cars... Some even peed while hanging their backsides over benches and picknick-tables. I had to walk right through this with my food and enjoyed the view very much, also while sitting in my car and eating

The girls were all between 20 and 25 years of age and all were looking differently. Black girls, white girls, short girls, tall girls, Chubby girls, slim girls... You name it and they were there

That does sound like heaven! Did you manage to take any pictures?

vpw 10-22-2018 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by JDG (Post 1940713)
I genuinely thought I was in heaven tonight. I was driving home from work when I stopped at a rest stop. Minutes later, a party bus arrived. It stopped and some 50 girls got off. As it was quite a large rest stop with a gas station, restaurant, washroom etc, I didn't pay much attention. Also, I wasn't even there for sightings, just to grab some food.

However, I was so wrong. These 50 girls started squatting literary everywhere around me. On the patch of grass adjecent to the parking lot, on the sidewalk, against some signs, against their own bus, between parked cars... Some even peed while hanging their backsides over benches and picknick-tables. I had to walk right through this with my food and enjoyed the view very much, also while sitting in my car and eating

The girls were all between 20 and 25 years of age and all were looking differently. Black girls, white girls, short girls, tall girls, Chubby girls, slim girls... You name it and they were there

Thats once in a lifetime sighting for sure, how close were you able to get to them and was there any light to reveal some details?

Elitegoldwalrus 10-22-2018 08:45 PM

Years ago there was an annual sporting event that drew a huge party crowd. Groups would rent buses to travel to the event and would usually start drinking as soon as they got on the bus, Because most of these groups were younger people, cost was a factor so they would hire school buses rather than luxury coaches The buses had no toilets.

When the buses arrived at the venue, there would be people piling out looking for a place to pee. Women would squat in nearby parking lots, beside buses and anywhere else they thought gave them any privacy.

I would get to this event early and watch the arrivals, and then later when the event was over there would be many women peeing before they got on the bus for the ride home

Changes in the event destroyed it for sightings, but I still have great memories

vperson 10-30-2018 07:15 PM

Peeing on the beach
In one summer evening, my wife and I had dinner at a beach restaurant. There were still some people on the beach. At the table we sat my wife had a great view of the sea, while I was watching to the concrete wall behind the restaurant. Just a few minutes later I realized, that I had a super chance with this view. In front of this wall there are some small bushes and it was obvious that this small area is used as a toilet from sunbathers people. I noticed a young couple about 30 years old began to prepare to leave. They put on their clothes and suddenly I the girl run to the wall behind the restaurant. My heart jumped and I realized that she will going to pee there. Just on the last steps the girl began to unbutton the pants (she was in short black pants). I didn’t understand why she was running – whether she was desperate or because her boyfriend waiting for her. She slipped behind one of the bushes and squatted. Because we were in a higher position and the bush was not very thick, I could watch her squatted figure. It looked, like she didn’t care so much that someone could see her. The details were not visible, but it was clear what she was doing there. I was trying as much as possible, not staring at this direction, but it was difficult. Somehow I manage to keep on our conversation so my wife couldn’t understand what I was looking there. The girl was peeing more than a half minute. It was very impressive situation - how I drink ouzo and next to me there a peeing woman.

Winterhawks1 10-30-2018 07:40 PM

There was this one time not to long ago that we went up a mountain to drive our big 4x4s with a couple of friends. It started as 3 Jeep's but later became 2 because one couldn't make it. Anyways there was about 5 of us in total, me my friend, his friend, his friends girlfriend, and her friend. It took us about 2 hours to make it to the turn around and literally right after we turned around we got high centered on snow. I could tell one of the girls really had to go. It took us probably 2 hours just to get all dug out and ready to go again. So we Cruze along and about 20 minutes later we are stuck again. This time we are smart and use a tow rope to pull us out, so I get down behind the car and start hooking up straps and that's when I see it, his girlfriend's friend standing in front of the car at the front. She quickly pulls down her pants and a stream of pee comes gushing out onto the snow below. She peed for about 30 seconds until her stream turned into a dribble, she bounced up and down a few times then pulled out a napkin and wiped dropping the napkin into her puddle of melted snow and piss. Once we finally got the car out I went to undo the straps laying in the snow and I smelled something funky I looked down and low and behold my face was inches away from her piss.

xazomaras 11-03-2018 02:41 PM

never :(

vperson 11-03-2018 07:24 PM

Today I saw a female peeing in a local park. She was about 60 years old lady. I was walking, when I noticed her and her husband headed to the nearby bushes and trees. After a few meters I turned back for a second and saw that lady was squatting bare-bottomed in front of a tree. Perhaps she was peeing, bit it was awkward to watch there, so I didn’t see details. Due to the lady's age the scene wasn’t hot, but looked natural.

yellowii 11-07-2018 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by seduny1 (Post 1960872)
Вчера шел через парк, уже немного вечерело но было еще светло, передо мной метров 50 впереди шла девушка, лет 25-30, потом резко свернула за кусты. Я ускорился и тоже резко зашел за ней. Она сидела за кустом, колготки и трусики были спущены и взору открывалась великолепная бритая и гладенькая ее писулька, выпускающая тугую струю мочи. Она вскрикнула и сказала: Извините, дайте пописать, очень хочется! На что я ответил: а я посмотрю на вашу прекрасную писулечку? Она скромно ответила: Смотрите, не жалко! Через несколько минут она дописала, натянула трусики и колготки и быстрым шагом удалилась!

Google translate, for convenience's sake

Yesterday I was walking through the park, it was already getting a little dark, but it was still light, in front of me 50 meters ahead was a girl, about 25-30 years old, then sharply turned into bushes. I accelerated and also abruptly followed her. She was sitting behind a bush, her pantyhose and panties were lowered and her gorgeous shaved and smooth scribble, releasing a tight urine stream, opened to her eyes. She screamed and said: Sorry, give a pee, really want to! To which I replied: and I look at your beautiful little little one? She modestly replied: Look, do not mind! A few minutes later she finished writing, pulled on her panties and pantyhose and quickly walked away

vperson 11-10-2018 08:44 PM

Desperation and outdoor peeing
One of the most memorable pee scene I’ve ever seen was many years ago in a cold January evening. I was coming back home, passing through the city center. It was after 8 o’clock, the weather was very cold and there were not many people on the streets. I walked along a side alley, when I saw two young women to stand there and talking each other. They attracted my attention that both were dressed quite provocatively with short skirts, high heels boots and short leather coats. Such clothing was untypical for such a cold weather and there was no doubt, they were prostitutes. Both looked looked quite confused and seemed to be looking for something. As I passed by them I overheard one saying to the other "Run! Run there!". Keep going a moment later, I hear behind me a fast click-clack sound and one of the ladies overtakes me with a fast pace in front of me. My attention was drawn again from her sexy figure and clothing. She wore an extremely short tight skirt, which barely hides her butt, body color silicone pantyhose and black boots. She really looked sexy. I didn’t care where she was going to hurry, I just watched at her back and I was enjoying of her sexy figure. Suddenly she began to run and turn away from the path heading to the back wall of the nearby building. Wow – if she is going to pee there – I instantly realized. There, where she was heading had no any place to hide. Am I going to see something interesting? I instinctively delayed my steps and did not let her out of my sight. There was a small cement platform around the wall, where she quickly stepped and lifted her skirt to the waist. No mistake – she is going to pee. She immediately stood on one leg in a typical “desperate to pee” pose – one leg was bent at the knee, firmly pressed to the other. Her white bikini was clearly visible. She was stayed at that pose about 4-5 seconds. Probably in that time she was trying to get the top of the pantyhose or she was waiting а wave of strong urge, avoiding the leakage. It was obviously, she was at a bursting point, because she was intensively moving her squeezed leg. In that time our eyes met. She saw me that I was watching her, but obviously she could not anything to do and didn’t care about it. She did these desperation moves and suddenly she dropped down the pantyhose with panties together and squatted down in a very low position. The pee escaped instantly without any delay with a loud hissing sound. The stream was pouring on the cement ground with such force and power, so just for a few seconds it was formed a big puddle around her high heels boots. Even the steam was coming out from the puddle. How she was holding it such quantity, I couldn’t realize.
I was continuing walking, trying to slow as far as I could, but without stopping, although I really wanted it. I could not take my eyes off her. She was also staring at me with a slightly disapproving look, and said me: “I’m peeing!”. I smiled and continued walking and watching. She was endless peeing. There was no way I couldn’t stop and watch, so my sight disappeared when I passed by the edge of building. I still heard hissing sound in the first few meters. I couldn’t believe on my eyes and my luck to be on a right place and on a right time. Such open peeing of a sexy woman was really incredible sight. She was extremely desperate and probably that was the reason she squatted in a full view of everyone. After that I connected the words of other lady “Run! Run there!” and I regretted that I did not pay any more attention at the beginning. Perhaps, she was badly need to pee and was panicked where to go and asked her friend to hide somewhere. She did not even have a time to run out to look for some more secluded place. I think if at the last moment something had gone wrong and she couldn’t squat right away, she would wet herself.

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