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Dutchguy 10-26-2016 09:40 AM

Peeing co-worker
Last time i saw a girl pee was a few weeks ago.

I was working nightshift with a girl i now for some years now. We had a fuse broken and the technical service guy was called but was about 30min away.
She was really scared of the dark and couldn't hold her pee no more. She almost begged me to go with her and asked me to use my flashlight so she wasn't in the dark, i offered her to take it and put it on the floor but she was really scared and wanted me to stay.
Loved to see her hanging above the seat and have a pee.

Later she told me she had rather have me see her peeing than been there alone in the dark, we had some fun later and she laughed and called me a pervert when i gave her a honest answer when she asked if i was aroused by looking at her peeing.

blob58 10-27-2016 07:12 AM

Near miss in a car-park
I was walking past a small car-park beside a main road, when a female suddenly popped up from between two cars and walked out in front of me.
She was wearing a skirt of witch the bottom hem was tucked into the waistband of her knickers at the back.
So I looked between the cars and yes there was a puddle and a wet tissue there.

blob58 10-28-2016 03:54 PM

One night
Late one night I heard laughing out the front of my house, so I looked out the window to see a drunk male stop and stand in a corner of a garden wall and have a piss, a female just standing and watching, when he was done they both walked on a few yards down the road and the female stepped into the road between two parked cars and ducked down with the male watching, a few seconds later she stood up and they walked on down the road with her still doing up her belt.
I could not see her when she was down between the cars.

blob58 10-29-2016 01:47 PM

On some steps
I was going up steps from one street to another, these steps have a number of bends in them (96 steps in all) as I got to a few steps from the top there were two females sitting on them taking and laughing, about ten minutes later I was going back down and at the point the females had been sitting there were two wet patches each with a stream running down to the next steps.
I therefore believe the two girls had just peed there, If only I was a bit earlier returning or later going.

chazztabago 10-29-2016 11:51 PM

Last Night
It started with one near miss. I was rounding a corner in a suburban area a few blocks from the party I was going to. I saw a girl behind a row of bushes in front of a house with all the lights off. She looked about 19 or 20. Blonde in pigtails in a gold dress. On the other side of the bushes 3 other girls in matching dresses, and one bitchy guy in rainbow pajamas. He was saying "don't do it! Just hold on till the party!" she had her thumbs in her tights getting ready to crouch down. Something in her made her listen to him and she came out from behind the bushes. I followed distantly behind them for a few blocks on the way to the same party. The whole time she was complaining about having to pee worse than she ever had in her entire life. And the other girls were pointing out spots along the way and encouraging her to pop a squat. But she was determined to hang on.

When I got to the party she went inside. I went in the large darkened backyard where I have had many previous sightings. I saw that many of the trees and bushes had been removed. There was a girl with a short boy haircut wearing horn rim glasses pulling up her pants in the corner I was going to pee in. Two girls in costumes came and squatted about 30 feet to my left, behind a gazebo. I couldn't see much of them. But by their bodies I could see they were in shape. I saw lots of similar sightings throughout the evening. A lot of them were co-ed pees. A few girls with a few guys. Some were couples. At one point I was peeing against this tall wooden fence. There was another party on the other side of the fence. But I couldn't see in. I hear a girl on the opposite side said to her friend "I'm just gonna go right here." Then I heard a loud, long hissing. I saw a few groups of girls pissing in twos. Most were in the dark and I couldn't see much. Two girls were really close but I couldn't make them out behind this bush. But they pissed loud. At the end of the night as I was peeing behind a tree and saw a very cute girl walk up close. She was blonde, early 20's, wearing cat ears, daisy dukes and a leather jacket. She was with another girl. "I'm just gonna go over there" she told her friend. She was well in the light behind the house. She walked over to a tree about 15 feet to my left and squatted down low. I could just see her ass poking out from the opposite side of the tree. Then she got up from the low squat and pulled down the shorts. Her ass was big like a dancer, and she had athletic legs. It was a very well lit side view. Her wide stream was clearly visible. She pissed for nearly a minute. It was hot!

My last sighting was an hour later. Walking home I heard a rustling in some bushes next to the sidewalk. It was in front of a house with all the lights out. I stopped and looked in to see what it was. Was someone going to mug me? A group of guys were walking toward me in the opposite direction. One asked me what I was looking at. I told him I just heard a rustling. So he whipped out a flashlight and shined it in the bush. There was a very cute girl with short dark wavy hair and tight black pants squatting down. She pulled them up partially when the guy flashed the light on her. She was gripping them tightly, looking like she wanted to pull them back down. "Please go away" she asked politely. I apologized and went on my way. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable in that situation.

blob58 10-30-2016 04:45 PM

Drake 400
I was on Plymouth Hoe at a firework display for Drake 400 years. At the end as hundreds of use where leaving it was now wet and cold, as I walked down from the Hoe I went down some steps to a lower road, as I turned a corner on the steps there was a female with her jeans down having a pee, I could not stop and stare as there were more people right behind me.
As I walked on I felt the need for a pee coming on, I walked towards the bus station. At the station the toilets were closed, ( this is how the city plan large events with no toilets and no bus home) and as I got nearer the exit I went in behind the large dust bins, it was already wet in there as it had already been used by other people to pee.
I was there with my thing out peeing on one of the bins when there was a female shriek, I looked around and this female had also come behind the bins and on seeing me was very apologetic and saying sorry, I said sorry also and said I was dying to pee all evening and found the toilets closed, she replied so was she and with that she dropped her jeans and went into a low squat by a bin behind me and started to pee, her piss was soon running past my foot and adding to my puddle, as I finished I turned as I was putting my thing away to leave I did try to have a good look but she was to close to the ground and her back tight up to one of the bins, with her knees together so I said bye and went on my way home. ( a little bit stiffly )

blob58 11-03-2016 09:53 AM

One morning
Early one light morning as I was getting ready to go to work. I was looking out of my bedroom window towards the back of the houses opposite, when I saw the daughter come out of there kitchen door and go down the outside steps into there yard, then going over to there outside toilet. She had on a night dress, she opened the toilet door and went in, turned her back to the toilet and lifted up her dress and sat down on the pan. A few moments later she stood up and whipped, giving me a long flash of her dark bush before dropping her dress and pulling the flush chain then going back up the steps and indoors.
I guess her father has in the bathroom getting ready for work, he worked at the same company that I did.

blob58 11-07-2016 10:24 AM

In a garden
One hot summer I was looking out of my bedroom window watching with binoculars a girl across the back lane, sunbathing in a two pieces, she was behind her tall garden wall between the cars and vans stored were, she could not be seen from the houses to her left or right, I was three floors up.
When she got up off her towel and walked to the house, I was watching her butt cheeks as she went to her back door, but found it locked, (the rest of her family must have gone out the front locking the door with her in the yard) so she then slowly walked back to her towel and sat back down.
After a short time she was looking around and stood back up, and went over in between two of the vans. As I watched more closely she squatted down and pull the crotch of her blue pants to one side and let out a jet of pee, landing in the gravel in front of her, when she was done she adjusted her pants and stood up, I could clearly see the wet patch on the gravel, she then kicked some dry gravel over it before returning to her towel.
I had to get ready for work and when I looked again she was gone.

blob58 11-10-2016 09:13 AM

On the coast
My girlfriend and I where walking along a coastal footpath and using a pair of binoculars to look at shipping. When I saw some movement on a patch of grass on the next point along the coast from use.
With the glasses I could clearly see a couple having fun ( playing bouncy bouncy, you know what I mean) I passed the glasses to my girlfriend so that she could see them better and when she passed them back it was just in time for me to see the female stand up and step to one side of the man, giving me a good view of her dark bush, she then squatted down and started to pee, her stream catching in the sunlight. When she stood back up she turned and bending over with her nice looking bum in the air pulled on her knickers and then her trousers back on, at this point I passed the glasses back to my girlfriend to have a last look before we continued on with our walk.

blob58 11-14-2016 01:15 PM

The house across the back lane.
Across the back lane from my house, there is a house where a pasted owner had had an extension added onto the back of it, with a bedroom upstairs in it. When they sold the house the new owners converted this bedroom into a bathroom, but did not change the window glass just put up double thickness net curtains and a roller blond. Some years later they had to work away from home and so let the house to three or four nurses. At some point the net curtains were changed and the blind removed.
When the early morning sun was at the right angle I could clearly see a side view of the females using the toilet. I would see them first pull up there blue nurses uniforms to there waist and lower there knickers before sitting on the toilet, then stand to pull there clothes back into place.
When the nurses let came to an end they held a party, but one of them was having a bath, as the noise and fun got louder, she looked out of the bathroom window at the side garden, to do this she opened the large window inwards and this she did NAKED, I had a clear view of her from her knees upwards, her dark bush and big tits, then she leaned out with her big tits hanging over the window ledge, at this point I could also see her butt-crack, she then quickly closed the window, got dressed and joined the party.
As the party went on and the drinks flowed, some of the men started to come out into the garden to pee, the females started to turn on the outside floodlights to try and see the men peeing, later there was a lot of shrieking and the lights coming on to light up two females peeing in the middle of there lawn.
When the house was sold again the new owners changed the window glass.

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