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chazztabago 09-20-2016 08:13 AM

Last Night's Festival Sightings Part 2
I stayed at my post after the girl with the perfect body pulled up her skintight pants and walked away from the bush. Then there was a bunch of dudes pissing in there every other minute. I kept my eyes down on my phone. Then another woman stepped in to the bush. She was black somewhere in her late 40's to early 60's. She had beat up skin, tattered clothes and looked like she had spent a few decades as a substance abuser. She squatted low facing me almost out of the bush. I could have had a clear view of everything if I wanted it. But I didn't.

Not long after a 20something couple walked past me. Almost stepping on me. They both wore button up long sleeve shirts and pants of the baggy variety. I guess kind of hippy-ish looking clothes. The girl had straight black shoulder length hair with dark eyes and an olive complexion. They both looked Hispanic or Middle Eastern. They were up against the fence beside me no farther than 5 feet to my left from what I could tell just by the sound of them talking. I couldn't turn my head and look over at them without being obvious. I wondered why they weren't going in to the bush. It seemed like a more obvious hiding place. Were they actually going to piss out in the open? Then I hear the girl say "here just get in front of me like that, yeah that's good"
followed a few seconds later by deep hissing sound. The sound of a strong stream of liquid shooting into the ground from close up. I wanted to turn and look at her so badly. But I was almost certain if I did I would be looking her right in the eyes. So I just kept my eyes on my phone. I looked up a few seconds later as they walked past me, and saw her tying up the strings on her pants. Then after a few more dudes I left the spot and joined the festival.

I came back an hour later and sat in the same spot. I was siting down for less than a minute playing with my phone when a couple walked up close to me. I glanced up to see a stunning long legged blonde, blue eyed all American type girl. She looked like a cross between a cheerleader and a stripper. She kind of looked like that girl from Suicide Squad with her hair in two pony tails on the side of her head. She was wearing super short cut off blue jean shorts, and a bright yellow t shirt with the sides cut open so you could see her bra. Her boyfriend was a big ass ripped dude that looked like an MMA fighter. Instead of going in the bush like almost everyone else they decided to go behind the large bush. In the space between the bush and the fence I was sitting up against. She was in front of me and off to my right about 6 or 7 feet away. If the bush directly in front of me was 12 o'clock she was at my 3 o'clock. Her boyfriend folded his arms and blocked her on her left side, but she was clearly in my line of sight. She popped open the buttons on the shorts and quickly squatted down. She was so far in front of the back of the bush that she was out of the shadows and lit by one of the bright lights on the top of the fence. For a split second I saw her pretty pink lips, the landing strip shaved into her pubic hair and the stream that started to shoot out in front of her from behind her black lace panties before she was even finished squatting all the way down. I quickly looked back down at my phone, listening to the forceful stream that emptied out her bladder in a few brief seconds. I really wanted to stare at her beautiful pussy a lot longer than that as it drip dried in the open air. But I was more interested in not being murdered for doing it.

blob58 09-20-2016 08:15 AM

Telephone boxes
I was at work and went for a walk during my meal break at about 8:00 pm. As I was up on a terrace looking down onto the main yard, I saw a female walking up towards the road, she was looking around, when she stepped off the footpath and in-between two telephone boxes, quickly looking around (but not up) she dropped her jeans and squatted and had a pee, stood back up, and walked off.
As it was so quick I did not get much of a look.

chazztabago 09-20-2016 09:20 AM

Last Night's Festival Sightings Part 3
I walked away from the bush not long after that because the festival was shutting down and people were quickly shuffling out of the gates. Staying there any longer would have looked pretty sketchy.

As I was nearing the exit I saw what looked like two girls in all black break from the crowd and sprint to the top of a low grassy hill . At the top was another tall fence. I slowed my walk. One had long dark wavy hair, the other blonde wavy hair. They backed up against the fence at the top and I saw that the one with dark hair was a very feminine looking guy. Or else he was a girl with a goatee. They looked like they were somewhere between 18 and 20. They wore matching baggy black outfits that might be best described as hippy goth. She was thin and very pale, with very blonde, very curly hair. The black clothes made them blend against the dark colored fence. Her pale skin was practically glow in the dark. I started to walk more slowly and diagonally up the side of the hill as a lot of other people in the crowd were doing.

She raised up her long billowy skirt and they squatted down together with their backs against the fence. She was exposed from her waist to her knees. And that whole area of her skin reflected all the light nearby. Being below her I got a clear view of her bits. I couldn't tell if she was shaved or if her pubic hair was so pale that it blended into her skin. She had one of those small vaginas with tiny lips that you sometimes see on shaved Asian porn stars. The guy with her probably noticed that people could see it. He quickly put his hand in front of her crotch spreading it wide to cover it as best he could. Soon her stream started shooting out below his hand. She probably even pissed in his palm a little bit. I slowly passed them and after a few seconds I turned around in time to see her do the drip dry butt shake before raising up her black panties and letting her skirt drop back down to her ankles.

That was my final sighting of the evening.

blob58 09-21-2016 02:27 PM

Working on a flat roof
I was working on a flat roof of a shop in the center of town, and had parked the van in the lane behind it. When I needed to get something from the van I ran down the internal fire escape stairs at the back of the shop, I was getting faster and faster as I went down them, so I came crashing out of the fire exit doors into the lane by my van.
Only to find a female with her knickers and trousers down, sitting in her puddle of piss, she was not very happy and shouting at me for knocking her down. I said she should not have been pissing there in the door way.
She was well pissed with me as she pulled her wet things back up and waddled off. ( I nearly pissed my self laughing at her as she went.)

blob58 10-04-2016 01:32 PM

One lunch time
It was lunch time and I had got fish and chips on my way to work, as it was too early to go into work I drove to a car-park over looking the sea, I parked about 3 rows back and was eating my lunch when a female got out of a car in the first row, leaving someone in the car and walked towards an old WW2 gun inplacement on the edge of the cliffs, I thought this may be her going for a place to pee, so I got out of my car and walked to the right in a circle so that I could come up to the gun inplacement from the seaward side. But when I got there, there was only a puddle with a tissue in it and both the female and her car had gone.
As I now needed a pee I peed into the puddle, before returning to my car and off onto work.

Elitegoldwalrus 10-05-2016 10:40 PM

This weekend I went to a county music concert (or at least to the parking lots before the event :D) to check out the tailgate (pre-event) parties. This venue has not been good for the last several years, but this event was much better. I saw at least 25 women peeing in the parking lots, most of whom were squatting between two open doors of a car or truck.

The best part was the ones who thought that seeing as they could not see through the doors, no one could see then. While their faces and upper bodies were hidden, there was a great view under the door of the stream and sometimes more

weevil 10-06-2016 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by Elitegoldwalrus (Post 1220007)
The best part was the ones who thought that seeing as they could not see through the doors, no one could see then. While their faces and upper bodies were hidden, there was a great view under the door of the stream and sometimes more

Women's logic (and I can't fault it): "You're never going to see my ass or pussy again, but you could see my face again".

It's all good, though. :)

blob58 10-07-2016 04:44 PM

One evening
Late one evening I was at home when I hear the sound of drunken laughter in the lane behind my house, so I went up to my bedroom and looked out the window to see who it was, there were two females and two lads coming up the lane.
Suddenly one of the females (in a skirt) stopped in the middle of the lane, laughing and said she had just wet her knickers, they were all laughing as she put her hands up under her skirt and pulled them down and off before throwing them over a garden wall down the lane from me.
She and one of the lads then went behind a garage out of my sight. The other pair continued on up the lane getting closer to my house, they stopped and the lad pissed onto the garage door opposite my house, then they had a few words before the lad walked off leaving the second female standing opposite my window, she called to her friend to come on but with no joy, she called again saying to come on home as she needed a pee, but the other girl was having fun with her lad.
She stood hopping from one foot to the other and then backed into the corner of the garage doorway, and started to undo her belt and the top of her jeans. Just then a police car came up the lane and stopped by her the policemen told her to get into the back of the car and it then backed down to the other female, by now the lad had started to run down the lane and away, as soon as both females were in the car it drove up the lane and off.
I wonder if the car got them home before the back seat got wet ??????????????????

blob58 10-09-2016 01:12 PM

Working nights
I was working nights in a factory on a dockside in a shipyard, I has working in a clean room inside a bigger room three floors up, you could walk around the clean room in an ally-way between it and the outside wall with windows over looking the dockside.
One night there was a frigate along side with a marquee on the flight deck with a dance on-board, we had seen a lot of women in evening dresses arriving during the evening and it was now well past midnight and the drinks had been flowing, some had started to leave and were walking with there men past our factory, some stopping to kiss.
One pair had been kissing for some time and were leaning on a bollard, when suddenly she raised her green full-length dress to her waist and dropping her matching green knicker, squatted by the bollard and started to have a piss, her man just standing there watching her, not even trying to guard her as a taxi pasted them, sounding its horn, after she stood back up and adjusted her dress they both walked off.
And I returned to my work day dreaming over what I had just seen.

blob58 10-14-2016 02:36 PM

Lady's toilets
I was rewiring a church hall in my spare time, but the hall was is use most evenings, but I could work there on Mondays while the brownies and girl guides were there. I had already rewired the main hall, kitchen, and stage with its dressing room and one of the lady's toilets, and was now working on the lighting in the store room, main lady's toilets and the gents toilets, while I was working the girls were able to use the lady's toilet in the dressing room.
After the girls had gone I would be there on my own until I locked up and went home, but once a month a pop group used the hall to practice.
On this evening I was standing on the lady's cubicle dividing wall working on the lights when a female from the band climbed over all my tools and cables to come into the toilets, I said to her to use the other lady's toilets but she just looked up at me and shrugged her shoulders and came into the cubicle below me pulled her jeans down and sat on the toilet and had her pee before whipping and getting up and pulling her jeans back up, flushing and walked out again.
I could not hear her pissing over the noise of the band was making and I could only see her in the dim light I was working with, but I was still surprised at what I had witnessed.

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