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fredsmith fredsmith is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. dfjlg
    10-13-2021 04:44 AM
    Hi fredsmith,
    Do you have any toilet video files downloaded from the forum, "CLASSIC YOUTUBE YEARS"?
    If you do, can you share them with me because I can no longer access or download them. My email is [email protected], in case you'd want to send them to me.
    Thank you, dfjlg
  2. Thcblazekingthc
    06-03-2018 11:37 PM
    Fred man, I'm sorry to see pissrip.tk got taken down. That sucks man, I really loved that site and visited every day. You are truly a God amongst men for creating it. Any chance it's being hosted somewhere else now? I'm savvy with website creation and will help however I can. Thanks again,



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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 09:16 PM
  • Join Date: 12-18-2012
  • Referrals: 0