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jack 30 03-10-2014 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by jack 30 (Post 414524)
This weekend and next weekend(Both Saturdays)are the Erin Express busses in the Philly area.(Pre St. Patricks day fun) Last year outside a bar in Havertown Pa quite a few Coeds didn't want to wait in line for the porta potties so they popped a squat behind a dumpster very uninhibited. This one girl went behind a car and didn't mind that I peed next to her and she said she pees outside all the time and prefers it to a porta potty or long lines. Check them out.

Sorry, pop a squat.

jack 30 04-27-2014 09:48 PM

Next Sunday May 4th, Sly Fox Inn Goat Race and Bock Beer Festival
Next Sunday is a great event for pee hunting. The Sly Fox Inn in Phoenixville Pa has their annual Goat Race and Bock Beer Event. For those of you in the Philadelphia area this is a must see event. There is free parking about 3/4 of a mile away and you can get a shuttle bus from where you park. If you live in the Philly or South Jersey or tri-state area don't miss it. Many drunk girls refusing to use porta-potties. There are residential houses in the back so on occasion a resident may yell at you peeing outside but other then that, no hassles.

mpls 05-31-2014 10:55 AM

Has anyone successfully hunted in Las Vegas? I'm here on business and tried tonight but didn't have much luck. On the one hand, you would think with the amount of drinking that goes on it would be pervasive. On the other hand, there's no closing time, therefore no spike in demand for bathrooms, there are bathrooms everywhere and not a lot of spots that are appealing to pee.

Anyone have success stories?

bugler 05-31-2014 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by mpls (Post 489592)
Has anyone successfully hunted in Las Vegas? I'm here on business and tried tonight but didn't have much luck. On the one hand, you would think with the amount of drinking that goes on it would be pervasive. On the other hand, there's no closing time, therefore no spike in demand for bathrooms, there are bathrooms everywhere and not a lot of spots that are appealing to pee.

Anyone have success stories?

The general places in las Vegas would be in the parking garages and or the walk from the mono rail to the freemont strip also back sides of the indoor mall where they close the restrooms within the mall late at night getting lost coming out the rong way to the strip..good luck wish it happend more often in vegas than it does :)

yowaza 06-01-2014 01:09 PM

Not sure if this is still an active thread, had never read it before. Althought elitegoldwalrus already covered the basics, let me add a few tips on how I do it. I would not say I had thousands of sightings, but a few hundreds easily. I tend to prefer quality over quantity so I choose my spot accordingly (I often see streams and some pussies). Here's the trick :

1- First find a spot where girls can go piss. If it's at night, try to find a spot with some lighting (a sighting in full darkness usually isn't great). Also, make sure that this is some public area where you could have reasons to be (walking back home, waiting for friends, peeing yourself, ...).

2- Try to go hang out casually within eyesight distance of the spot. Do NOT try to hide or you will look suspicious. I usually walk around between a few good spots. You want to be able to spot girls going to the spot so you can follow them.

3- When you spot a girl who is going to the spot, you casually start following from far enough. Try to stay a good distance, yet close enough that you won't miss it. You don't want to the girl to see you until she has started pissing. So stay away until you know she is going for sure.

4- Then you just casually walk by her and try to watch as good as you can. As was mentioned, just hide in plain sight. If the girl say something (usually 'I'm sorry' or 'please don't watch'), you just answer politely and keep looking discretely.

5- Once you are past her, it's over. It's risky to turn around or stand and stare. You just walk by and hope for the best, that's where timing is everything.

6- Tips : fake phone calls / text messages (good for standing still nearby a soon-to-piss girl) , waiting on friend (always a good reason to be hanging near a spot) , going for a piss yourself (can get you very close to some girls) , smoking/drinking/... (good reason to be in a secluded spot)

7 - Attention : Never try to hide because if you get caught you will look very suspicious. Be careful of boyfriends (Play it safer when there are boys with the girls, they might be looking out for someone like you). Be nice and respectful to the girls (if they yell don't come here, then don't)(some girls will not mind at all, others you should just avoid). Do not overdo it (if you go every night to the same spot, neighbours or bouncers might start to get suspicious, mix it up with different spots if you can).

8 - Spots : While the most important, you cannot tell much about which spots are good. It's all about knowing your city. If you leave in a small town, then good luck, you better schedule a trip to a big city. In any reasonable city, there will be a downtown area with bars/clubs, thats where you wanna be, on thursday,friday, or saturday night obviously.. Girls will go pee in alley, side-streets, parkings,... all the time. Otherwise, just find an outdoor event like a festival or sometimes weekly events. Anything outdoor with booze and girls will get you sightings

9 - Filming : Now is my question to you ? Has anyone tried filming some sightings. I had a swann hidden pen cam but it stopped working, and my videos were very shaky. Anyone have some tips on that matter ???

Hope it wasn't too long !
Happy sighting

peehunter 06-01-2014 04:28 PM

I agree with all. It's like a real hunting... You need to be smart and do everything very, very carefully.

What about filming (or making photos).

If you in company of another guys , you can make "accidental" photo shot of funny shot like this video.

You even could tell girl - "Smile", or something like this. The girl will be quite embarrassed and squeeze her knees.

If you want to make many videos you need to have self made candid camera.
Your cam should be water resistance, shock-proof VERY compact camera with HD resolution and good light sensitivity in deep evening or night (90% of girls peeing in the night only). All classic compact cameras have bad picture in the night. If you want to have good picture, you should make own camera. Of course, only specialists can make similar cameras...

Another question is masking of your camera. I think that this question is not for public forum ;)


Originally Posted by yowaza (Post 490736)
9 - Filming : Now is my question to you ? Has anyone tried filming some sightings. I had a swann hidden pen cam but it stopped working, and my videos were very shaky. Anyone have some tips on that matter ???

bfk4lif 06-01-2014 07:57 PM

in ny (brooklyn)
I live in Brooklyn ny.

around Brooklyn is getting nice as far as the weather. on any given weekend bayridge can b a great hunting ground. I normally would go down their on a bicycle and ride around from eleven or midnight. around 3am or earlier. the streets become infested with pple. now the aves like 5th - 3rd ave is all bars and resturants. I tend to target the parking spots and construction sites and ofcourse the 7/11 that has a no customer restroom policy. I think last time I went I caught the sightings. 1ce I saw a girl squatted btween 2 cars while her dumb ass friends yelled and drew attention 2 her so not only I but every1 within earshot saw n herd. then I caught 3 black girls while argueing 1 of the girls sat at the curb with her skirt alil up as it is maved her panties if she was even wearing any and pissed a horse like puddle into the street I rode by took a glance but she did this like was nothing. this last 1 I feel sorry about b/c I did me not much good I saw a girl walking by herself I casually peddeled along till I saw her cut up driveway. I stoped waited a sec and with my cheapass cellphn light at the time, rode up the drive way. she was squatted but stayed crouched quied I got close but I felt bad cause I could sense how scared she was 4 all she knew this is my house. so I tried unsuccessfully 2 get a look but the light was shit. I backed out on my bike went a few houses down then she walked to the conor sat dwn took off her shoes and as I rode past her she covered her face with her hands I guess she thought I was recording. it was then I realized my interruption caused her to piss all down her legs. feeling bad I peddled away. mind you I was highly under the influence of cocain when I did this so I went back up the drive way and licked her puddle. I only get the drive to do this type of shit either drunk or coked up.

roccolo 08-26-2014 05:26 PM

Thermal image can help to follow girls in darkness
Hi guys, I always faced the difficulty in spotting girls in dark environment:mad:, especially parking lots and grasslands, if you don't see them when they walk in then you can't follow them... and miss the piss :confused: so I always thought about buying a thermal camera, these devices are great they can indicate a person as an orange spot in a blue background based on the infrared light emitted by everything hot (like the body temeprature of an animal or a human being) ... So a fast scan of an area with this device and the presence of any person will pop-up on the display as an orange point!
The problem is that these camera are damn expensive (over 1000$) and I've never afforded to buy one, then I found out these guys
that are trying to produce a model that will cost around 250$... I post it here maybe somebody is interested too!:):):)

jack 30 11-12-2014 06:18 AM

The Running of the Santas in Philadelphia.
Saturday December 13th, is the Running of the Santas in Philadelphia. I know they have them in other cities also. This a must see girl pee event. A friend of mine went last year and saw many females dressed as Santa popping a squat outside. It starts at 11:00 AM I think at Finnegan's Wake and ends up at the Electric Factory a few blocks away. I think its's 20 bucks to enter but some people just follow the Santas. I'm going this year. Check it out.

behindYou 01-02-2015 09:27 AM

How I do it :-)

First of all I'd like to say Hi, as it's my first post in here, I'm a bit dissapointed that I've found you so late.
I could say, that I'm spying from around 15 years now.
I'm from Poland, so maybe it'll be something new for some of you.

As for the clues.
I live near by the sea with a lot of beaches.

Most of them don't have enough toilets to use in summer time, that's where you need me :-)

I've read your clues and most of them I must agree with. Some can be new.

I have some favourite spots that I can easily hide.

I prefer to sneak around just behing some bushes, where the girls are comming.
I know that maybe it's not macho enough, but I keep my pants down, pretend that I'm pooping.
That's what keep the first rule not be noticed as suspect.
I have a very nice view as no-one can see me, except of some girls passing by, but it's a rare thing to be noticed.
I have some few very good views on girls pissing just some inches from me.
Most of them are a bit more far awway, but still it's very good.

Next spot is where I have a big tree that I stand behind it, and the girls are comming from other side of the tree, I can easily stand there, and pretend to piss myself, or have a smoke, or just make a brake after a long walk.

I also gives a lot chances to look around well.

Another place is where I climb a bit on a tree that is easy to walk into.
the view is completly different up there, cause I can't see the stream, but it's interesting.
When I get spoted I also pretend that I came here to take a rest and thing about the meaning of life.

That's what I can offer outdoor.

I'll write next post about indoor games.

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